Sell We are back!

Prices are up! Here's another list! We carry a variety of branded, high-quality, top tier cannabis products. We can be reached currently through OneNationSales@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion.

Vendor since 2016, USA-USA, Near perfect success rate. Shipping 10, except for larger orders. We accept BTC and XMR (Monero). We have everything from flower to diamonds, dont hesitate to ask! Specific strain? Ask! Specific medicinal property? Ask! We carry everything from outdoor oddities to indoor brands like Cookies and Jungle Boys.

Overview Catalog:
Carts: min $50 order

Branded (upon request):
1x: 13-25
3x: 35-70
5x: 90-150
25x: 250+
50x: 450+
100x: 850+

In-House (c-cell)
1x: 8-20
3x: 20-60
5x: 80-125
10x: 100-150
25x: 200+
50x: 400+
100x: 800+


7g: 115+
28g: 250-450
112g: 550-1500+
448g: 2000-4500


Outdoor: 65-100
Greenhouse: 120-160
Indoor: 150+ (exotics/dispensary packaging can be 350+)

Outdoor: 350-400
Greenhouse: 450-600
Indoor: 525+ (exotics/dispensary packaging can be 1500+)

Outdoor: 750-900
Greenhouse: 1000-1700
Indoor: 2000+ (exotics/dispensary/brands can be 5000+)

Contact us today at: OneNationSales@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion to begin an order!!
19 july 2021 1322 CaveTor OneNation Announcement expired
